Drama Workshop Holiday Club

Age Range: Current Year 1 to Year 6.

Staff: Samantha Talks, Speech and Drama Tutor at Normanhurst, Oaklands and Coopersale Hall, who is a professional actor with a diploma from the Italia Conti Academy of Theatre Arts.  She has appeared in numerous plays, West End musicals, soaps and adverts.

Cost: £160 for the full week.

Numbers: Between 15 and 25 children per week with 2 leaders.

Content: The days will concentrate on learning various drama techniques, improvisations and plays, with drama games as well. There will be a show for parents to watch on the final afternoon at 3pm, with rehearsals during the week.

Please take care when booking as due to the requirement to meet the appropriate coaching/teaching ratio in advance, weeks will not be able to be rearranged, cancelled or refunded once booked.

Summer Holiday 2024



Monday 15th July to Friday 19th July Oaklands School
Monday 19th August to Friday 23rd August Coopersale Hall School